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Application guidelines April 2013 (undergraduate) for privately financed international students

Published on Nov 22, 2012


The OCU application guidelines for privately financed international students who would like to start studying at the undergraduate level from April 2013 are now available.

online (PDF format), but to apply you need to first obtain a paper copy of the application guidelines, which includes the official application form and envelope. ??


If you are outside Japan, you can request a paper copy of the application guidelines per post (see below).

To obtain a copy of the Application Guidelines including an official Application Form and envelope from outside Japan:

By post:

  1. On the front of an envelope, please write or type in red ink ‘Application Guidelines’. On the back of the envelope, please write your full name, postal address, Zip/post code,?telephone number and email address.
  2. Please enclose a stamped return envelope (24.0 x 33.2 cm) bearing your own full name, address and Zip/post code. Please enclose the appropriate number of international reply coupons instead of affixing return postage stamps. You can check postal charges by country and region at the website of JAPAN POST (please check the rate for an A4 letter of 88 grams, by airmail)

Please write to the following address:
Admissions Office
Student Support Department
Osaka City University
3-3-138 Sugimoto
Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585

Please note that the application guidelines are only available in Japanese.
