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Chiang Mai University at “Ginnan” University Festival

Published on Nov 11, 2015


This year we had very special guests from Thailand participating in the OCU “Ginnan” University Festival. Chiang Mai University’s Language Institute set up a booth to promote its exchange program to Chiang Mai in which students from Osaka City University can study English and Thai Culture in March of each year.

Together with student group OGM*, the booth offered a delicious Thai noodle soup, exotic snacks and drinks, so visitors to the festival could get a taste of Thailand. Staff not only explained the exchange program, but even gave demonstrations of traditional Thai dance, English games and Thai martial arts.

Chiang Mai University and Osaka City University have an academic exchange agreement, which as signed in 2014.

*OGM (OCU Global Members) is a group of students promoting international exchange in cooperation with the OCU Global Exchange Office

Chiang Mai University at Ginnan Festival 2015
