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Vice President Sakuragi visited Shanghai for China International Industry Fair 2017

Published on Nov 15, 2017


Put up a Booth at China International Industry Fair 2017

OCU put up a booth for introducing our university and research results at China International Industry Fair 2017 which was held in Shanghai from November 7 to 12.

Since OCU have had contact with students and researchers in China as basis of sister city relationship between Osaka City and Shanghai, Shanghai Board of Education invited us every year from 2010. OCU is only the university from Japan to join China International Industry Fair.

?2017博覧会ブース 2017博覧会教育委員会訪問


Visited East China Normal University

?On November 7, 2017, Vice President Sakuragi and OCU staffs visited East China Normal University where OCU signed MoU. We met Assistant President Gao Wei and staffs in ECNU and agreed to promote further academic relationship.

?華東師範大訪問2017 華東師範大訪問2017集合

Held Global Exchange Advisor Meeting

?Global Exchange Advisor Meeting was held in Shanghai. The Global Exchange Advisor is a collaborator for OCU activities in overseas. Four Global Exchange Advisors who are person in charge of Shanghai participated the meeting. We obtained some advices about the works in Shanghai in the future. We also talked about how to appeal our university in China and how to attract Chinese students to OCU.


Held Alumni Association in Shanghai

? Vice President Sakuragi reported the latest OCU circumstances to alumni. President Kohei Yoshida in Alumni Association in Shanghai said greetings. The party started with toast by Vice President Arthur Wang in Alumni Association in Shanghai. About 50 people including alumni, guests and others got together and spent good time.

?ホームカミング挨拶 ホームカミング挨拶同窓会


?Visited Shanghai University

?On November 8, 2017, Vice President Sakuragi and OCU staffs visited Shanghai University where OCU signed MoU. We met Vice President Nie Qing and staffs in SHU and agreed to encourage further academic relationship between Shanghai University and OCU in the future. Students in SHU took us campus tour in English. The campus was decorated with chrysanthemum and other flowers because of the chrysanthemum festival.

?上海大学ミーティング 上海大学学生ツアー

?Global Exchange Office will continue to involve various activities in Shanghai in cooperation with Shanghai Alumni Association and related organizations.
