Future Working with Robots ~World Robot Summit 2018
Production preparation started in April.
On 20 October, 2018 Team “OCU-KDEL” lead by Professor Tomohito Takubo of OCU Graduate School of Engineering, participated and showed a good performance in the “World Robot Summit (WRS) 2018”.
The “World Robot Summit 2018” is an international robot competition organized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The “OCU-KDEL” participated in the “WRS Future Convenience Store Challenge Preliminary Competition (FCSC) which is the world’s first competition aiming to implement future convenience stores by developing robot technology to ease tasks of the employees and provide new services to customers.
As a result of having competed in the “Stocking and Disposing” Tasks category against the robot development teams of large companies, the “OCU-KDEL” did well and placed in the fourth.
The “OCU-KDEL” entered into the event site, Tokyo Big Site, a week before the actual event took place for adjusting shapes of products as well as heights of the stocking shelves, modifying the program and repeating the experiments. The tasks of self-stocking of onigiri rice balls and resequencing the scattered products were challenging. After having pushed a start button, they kept an eye on the robot moving with automatic control. Although the team missed the podium, Professor Takubo puts it this way, “Making use of this experience, we will improve our robot and want to achieve higher points in the FCSC next year.
World Robot Summit
WRS FCSC 2018 Results of competitions
Future Convenience Store Challenge Day 4 (October 20, 2018) (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPZaym4Fxuk&feature=youtu.be&t=9605

of different heights

ROC2 (OMRON/Chukyo Univ./Chubu Univ.
joint team)
OCU-KDEL placed fourth behind the Hitachi
Hi-KCCT team.

From left: Professor Tomohito Takubo,
Hisashi Matsumoto (2nd year master’s student, Department of Physical Electronics and Informatics,
Graduate School of Engineering)
Naoya Kobayashi (4th year student, Department of Physical Electronics and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering),
Erika Miyake (4th year student, Department of Physical Electronics and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering)
Pass on the technology to the new generations.