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President Arakawa’s Visit to Jakarta, Indonesia

Published on Oct 17, 2018


Homecoming Day
Homecoming Day

President Arakawa visited Jakarta, Indonesia, commemorating the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relationship with Japan, from 29 September to 1 October. On the first day of his visit he held a homecoming day with the alumni Jakarta branch office. Dr Arakawa reported updates on consolidation with Osaka Prefecture University as well as Osaka City University (OCU) while current situation of Jakarta having shown a remarkable progress in recent years, was reported by the local alumni association member. The homecoming day was successfully over with a cozy atmosphere.?

OCU participated in the “Study in Japan Fair” organized by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) on the following day, 30 September, for a purpose of promoting Indonesian students who wish to study in Japan. Amongst more than 3,800 visitors to the fair, approximately 150 high school students as well as those wishing to enroll in graduate schools and parents came to the OCU booth and asked for explanation.?

President Arakawa visited University of Indonesia on the final day and opinions were actively exchanged with President Ir Muhammad Anis, Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business. When he visited the educational institute of Graduate School of Medicine which was built only two years ago, Dr Arakawa, originally from the Faculty of Medicine, eagerly listened to explanations of facilities by the young researcher.

OCU booth was visited by Mr Masafumi Ishii,
Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia
OCU booth was visited by Mr Masafumi Ishii, Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia


With President Ir Muhammad Anis at Indonesia University
With President Ir Muhammad Anis at Indonesia University
