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President of Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand, Visited Osaka City University (OCU) for MOU Signing Ceremony

Published on Jan 31, 2019


The party of three including Professor Bundhit Eua-arporn, Ph.D., President, Professor Dr. Bussakorn Binson, Dean of Faculty of Fine and Applied Art and Assistant Professor Dr. Chaipat Lawsirirat, Assistant to the President for Alumni Affairs from Chulalongkorn Unviersity (CU) on Friday 14 December, 2018. CU is one of the highest educational institutions and the oldest university in Thailand.

The purpose of their visit was to sign university-level MOU between OCU and CU as well as to conclude MOU between Urban Research Plaza, OCU and Faculty of Fine and Applied Art, CU. After the signing ceremonies they exchanged opinions with Professor Nagasaki, Dean, Graduate School of Engineering and Professor Abe, Director, Urban Research Plaza.

The CU party attended discussion sessions at Faculty of Medicines, Urban Research Plaza, Research Center for Urban Health and Sports and visited Nishinari area including the non-profit organization “The Room for Full of Voice, Words, and Hearts Cocoroom” and Toyosaki Nagaya (Row Houses). They became intrigued with what OCU has been researching and deepen a friendship with faculty and organizers.

With renewal of the agreement, they promised to promote further mutual academic and personnel exchanges.

President Arakawa and President Bundhit Eua-arporn<br />clasped hands after signing the agreement
President Arakawa and President Bundhit Eua-arporn
clasped hands after signing the agreement
Professor Abe, Director of Urban Research Plaza<br />and Professor Bussakorn Binson, Director of Fine and<br />Applied Art
Professor Abe, Director of Urban Research Plaza
and Professor Bussakorn Binson, Director of Fine and
Applied Art
Front row (from left): President Arakawa, President Bundhit<br /> 
Back row (from left): Associate Professor Kubo, Vice Director of Global Exchange Office<br />Honorable Professor Nakagawa, Urban Research Plaza<br /> 
Professor Abe, Director of Urban Research Plaza<br />
Professor Bussakorn, Director of Fine and Applied Art<br />
 Assistant Professor Chaipat, Assistant to the President for Student and Alumni Affairs<br /> 
Professor Miyano, Advisor to the President<br />
Professor Nagasaki, Dean of Faculty/Graduate School of Engineering
Front row (from left): President Arakawa, President Bundhit
Back row (from left): Associate Professor Kubo, Vice Director of Global Exchange Office
Honorable Professor Nakagawa, Urban Research Plaza
Professor Abe, Director of Urban Research Plaza
Professor Bussakorn, Director of Fine and Applied Art
Assistant Professor Chaipat, Assistant to the President for Student and Alumni Affairs
Professor Miyano, Advisor to the President
Professor Nagasaki, Dean of Faculty/Graduate School of Engineering
at the Faculty/Graduate School of Medicine<br />(from left) Assistant Professor Chaipat, Assistant to the President for Student and Alumni Affairs<br />Professor Bussakorn, Director of Fine and Applied Art<br />President Bundhit<br />Professor Ohata, Dean of Faculty/Graduate School of Medicine<br />
Professor Tsuruta, Vice Director of Global Exchange Office
at the Faculty/Graduate School of Medicine
(from left) Assistant Professor Chaipat, Assistant to the President for Student and Alumni Affairs
Professor Bussakorn, Director of Fine and Applied Art
President Bundhit
Professor Ohata, Dean of Faculty/Graduate School of Medicine
Professor Tsuruta, Vice Director of Global Exchange Office
at Urban Research Plaza
at Urban Research Plaza


at Research Center for Urban Health and Sports<br />(RCUHS)
at Research Center for Urban Health and Sports


Implementing fatigue measure at Center<br />for Health Science Innovation (CHSI)
Implementing fatigue measure at Center
for Health Science Innovation (CHSI)


with Dr. Okazaki, Director of Center for<br />Health Science Innovation (CHSI)
with Dr. Okazaki, Director of Center for
Health Science Innovation (CHSI)
Walking in Nishinari area guided by <br />Mr. Hajime Okuyama, NPO “The Room for<br />Full of Voice, Words, and Hearts Cocoroom”
Walking in Nishinari area guided by
Mr. Hajime Okuyama, NPO “The Room for
Full of Voice, Words, and Hearts Cocoroom”
Listening to explanation of Honorable<br /> Professor Fujita and Researcher Tsunamoto<br />of Graduate School of Human Life Science<br />in Toyosaki Nagaya (Row Houses)
Listening to explanation of Honorable
Professor Fujita and Researcher Tsunamoto
of Graduate School of Human Life Science
in Toyosaki Nagaya (Row Houses)

