The 52nd International Student Festival in Winter, 2018
The annual International Student Festival was held on Monday, 17 December, 2018 at Tanaka Memorial Hall.
This festival first held in 1972, has been co-hosted by Osaka City University (OCU) Education Supporters Association and Global Exchange Office since 2007 and celebrated its 52nd anniversary this year. It has been operated voluntarily by students and welcomed by both international and Japanese students. The total of 119 students, faculty and staff joined in this time.?

Mr. Kazuhito Nakayama
acted as MC.
In the theater, after opening addresses by President Arakawa and Chairman of the International Students Association Shafiullah Parvej (3rd year doctoral student, Graduate School of Human Life Science), Professor Miyano, Acting Director of Global Exchange Office, commended appreciation to the previous OGM administration, and introduced new President and Vice President of Osaka City University Global Members (OGM) as well as next Chairman of the International Students Association.
The reception dinner started with the toast by Professor Minami, Head of International Exchange Committee, OCU Education Supporters Association. International students, Japanese students, faculty and staff were intermingled and deepen their exchanges in a peaceful atmosphere through introducing themselves, games and talks.
The event reached the climax when President Arakawa descended the stairs of the foyer singing the Beatles’ “Yesterday” accompanied by the acoustic guitar. All the participants applauded him and the event was successfully over.

accompanied by an international student
Mr. Congnan Jiang’s guitar.