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Announcement of Cancellation or Postponement of University-organized Events and Meetings

Published on Feb 21, 2020


19 February 2020

Announcement of cancellation or postponement of University-organized events and meetings

From 2 February 2020 I am spearheading a Novel Coronavirus Taskforce to determine university-wide policies to prevent further spreading of the virus. In light of fatalities occurring with Japanese people who have had no direct connection to the origin of the virus, we have published the “Policy on the Novel Coronavirus at Osaka City University (Ver.3)” and “Warning message for Novel Coronavirus diseases”, asking for everyone to avoid unnecessary trips outside.??

On 18 February 2020, Osaka Prefectural Government mandated 20 February 2020 to 20 March 2020 as a “Infection Spreading Protection Period”. During this period, events and meetings organized by Osaka Prefecture are to be cancelled or postponed. Graduation ceremonies and entrance examinations are to be held as scheduled, with possible preventive measures.??

At its 3rd meeting, the OCU Novel Coronavirus Taskforce has decided that Osaka City University will follow the same policy put forth by Osaka Prefectural Government.

I sincerely request all students, faculty members, staff and related personnel to follow the policy as best as they can.

<OCU’s Infection prevention policy in effect until 20 March 2020>
1. From February 25 to March 20, Events and meetings organized by OCU are to be cancelled or postponed. Graduation ceremonies and entrance examinations are to be held as scheduled, with possible preventive measures.
Events and meetings that are difficult to cancel or postpone, such as co-organized event with other institutions, are to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

2. From February 25 to March 20, camps, competitions, concerts, etc., organized by OCU students are to be cancelled or postponed.
Events that are difficult to cancel or postpone are to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

3. Please take the following measures for events being held between 19 to 24 February that cannot be cancelled in such a short notice:
 - Install alcohol disinfection stations throughout the event space
? ? ?(the number of stations is according to the number of participants)
? ?- All participants should wear masks
? ?- All participants should wash hands and gargle
? ?- Disinfect all tables, chairs, etc. that participants may touch.?
? ?- Make a comprehensive list of all participants.

The policy for events after 21 March will be announced later, in accordance with changes with the Novel Coronavirus outbreak.

Tetsuo Arakawa
Osaka City University
