23rd Message from the President Regarding COVID-19
20 January, 2022
Tetsuo Arakawa
President, Osaka City University?
Let's make the sixth wave the last

Omicron marks the sixth wave of the pandemic. Our university has seen clusters spring up at dinners and events attended by students. Compared to the delta strain, the infectivity has tripled, but the severity rate has decreased to one-tenth. The incubation period to onset of mild illness has been shortened. The third vaccine dose has not been administered in time, but therapeutic agents are now available.
However, the spread of the disease to the elderly and people with complications leads to increased rates of severe illness and mortality. For 10 days, by assuming all people are infected or have been in close contact with the disease and simply avoiding meals with people other than family members living together, the number of new infections could be greatly reduced. First, let’s get through 10 days. This could make all the difference. To establish a new normal life “with corona,” believe me, this challenge will not be in vain.?
【Past messages on COVID-19 from the President】
- An explosion of infections is coming! Now is our moment! (30 March 2020)
- Your grandpa may have to wear an oxygen mask! (7 April 2020)
- The Virus Needs the Help of Humans to Spread! (13 April 2020)
- As a Whole, Let’s Fight against COVID-19 to Avoid a Collapse of the Medical System! (23 April 2020)
- Has COVID-19 Disappeared!? (15 June 2020)?
- This summer, if We are too Careless the Second Wave of COVID-19 may be Worse! (21 July 2020)
- Cultivate a Critical Intuition Towards Overflowing Information (13 August 2020)
- An Agonizing Choice “Haste Makes Waste” (24 August 2020)
- Corona Zero! A step towards declaring campus a safety zone. (24 October 2020)
- Two places to prevent the spread of infection - group dinners and at home (26 November 2020)
- The beginning is the crux (7 April, 2021)
- Together, we will revive the Futaba Festival and all extracurricular activities early! (15 April, 2021)
- Let us protect our precious lives! Medical care is in danger (14 May, 2021)
- A normal student life is at our fingertips (27 Sept., 2021)
- Thank you all for your phenomenal patience! And onwards to the "new normal" (14 October, 2021)