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Celebrating the anniversary of our founding

Published on Jun 01, 2021


Celebrating the anniversary of our founding? 

 210601-1.jpgToday marks the 141st anniversary of the founding of Osaka City University, which was established in 1880 by 16 leading figures in the Osaka business world, including Tomoatsu Godai, the father of the modern Osaka economy and creator of the Osaka Commercial Chamber (now the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and the Osaka Stock Exchange (now the Osaka Exchange, Inc.). In 1949, the "Osaka Commercial Training Institute" was established.

 In 1949, Osaka City University was established as a new comprehensive university (its predecessor, Osaka University of Commerce, was closed in 1953), and its opening ceremony was held in June of the same year.

? We are grateful for and inherit the spirit of our foundation, a spirit which has walked with the city, and carried the history and tradition that it has cultivated, and we aim to make further progress in cooperation with Osaka Prefecture University toward the opening of Osaka Metropolitan University (tentative name) in 2022. I ask for your continued support and cooperation.?

June 1, 2021
 Tetsuo Arakawa, President, Osaka City University

