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September 2021 graduation and degree conferral ceremony held

Published on Nov 02, 2021


211001-1_★IMG_1239.JPG On Thursday, September 30, The September 2021 Graduation and Degree Conferral Ceremony was held at the 140th Anniversary Auditorium on the 1st floor of Building 1 of the Sugimoto Campus. The ceremony was held with a minimum number of participants to prevent the spread of infections, and was broadcast live.

 A total of 47 students received degrees: 22 bachelor's degrees, 6 master's degrees, 10 doctoral degrees, 4 Juris doctoral degrees, and 1 honorary degree recipient.

 President Arakawa delivered the ceremonial address, encouraging the students to take a positive view of their unprecedented experience amidst the continuing effects of the new coronavirus, and to make the most of it in their future lives.

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